Weeds or Herbs?

A weed is just a plant in the wrong place.

Remember that!  What we now consider horrible weeds may have been brought over to North America for a reason.  Dandelion and creeping charlie are two such plants.  Both are or have been considered salad greens.  Think of it, you have a salad sprouting on your lawn!  No?  Well, if you were really hungry for something fresh in the spring, you might not turn your nose up at dandelions and creeping charlie!

Creeping charlie is one of the mint family.  It was often made into a tonic in the spring and consumed as tasty pick me up. 

Pretty picture hm?  If you want to know more about ground ivy/creeping charlie and its uses, please follow this link: Creeping Charlie herbal information

Next up is dandelion. 

It's one of those plants that is everywhere.  What would our world look like if it suddenly vanished?  I'd be sad, after all, every plant has a place, it just needs to find it!  Now I've heard a lot about dandelions for health over the years, but now I've found yet another link that speaks of the medicinal properties.  Just please remember, I'm not a doctor nor am I attempting to heal anyone or anything.  I'm just pointing out that there are some interesting background tidbits about common plants that you might not know!  Here's the link for dandelion uses: Dandelion information

The plant prints are from an old book, Flora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz (1885) by Otto Wilhelm Thomé which can be found on this website:  A collection of historic and modern biology books  Just click on the picture that looks something like the ones above and it should lead you to a list of the book's pictures. 
That's it for now!

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